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What if Dostoevsky was right - and beauty will save the world!


Shouldn't we then rethink our striving for growth, increased efficiency and simplification? Shouldn't we then strive instead for aesthetics and beauty in everything we do and in everything we create?


Imagine a world in which freedom, joy and beauty would be the defining criteria ... absolute freedom in all creative things and boundless unadulterated joy in all that we do ...

Wouldn't each of us then be able to experience and live the lightness of being?


Think ... what a world, what a life ....


These thoughts, these ideas have preoccupied me since my earliest youth ... and to approach the realisation of this vision, I have so far succeeded best in art.

My art should be contagious - it should encourage people to create new art, to be creatively active ...

And art is like our imagination, like our creative power, like us - boundless. Never the same, always new, always fresh ...

What I don't like is repetition and reproduction, just as I don't understand the concept of preservation, of holding on ... I don't want to be bored or tired - life is simply too short for that.


My art must first and foremost surprise me, show me new possibilities for form and colour to interact.

Shape and colour, light and shadow are like words that tell stories, transport feelings, broaden horizons and open up abysses ...

Through art, souls can communicate with each other, past the mind ... and in doing so, the viewer must be completely egoistic - because what counts is only: does it touch you or not ... and if it speaks to you, if it moves you, delights you and touches you - then it becomes a part of you ...

Then I have impregnated you - with an idea, a feeling, a tiny seed that can rise in you, that can grow in you and perhaps one day bear fruit....


When you see my pictures - then you see me!

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